
Giddy me away from home...

9 kommentarer:

Camilla Engman sagde ...

Hej, är det där du?! Så kul att se dej.

Esti sagde ...

Oooh you ARE blond indeed!! And tall, and smiling all the time. Girl, you look great. Nice boots!

Esti sagde ...

Now that I think about it: you mean you have two grown-up boys?? I can't believe it. You look younger than me!!

Lotte sagde ...

Jep...Camilla...selvom jeg prøver at skjule hvad skjules kan...

ES...Blond thank you SO much...most of my upper hair is actually GREY....in a white way...
The boots are GOOD...and very old...:D like me...haha
The boys... Andreas= 20 years and Victor=14 years...
I don´t really look that young and just happy that the photo is a bit blurred...HAHA...

Esti sagde ...

Lots of grey hairs growing in my hair too, but I have it dyed almost monthly, haha. You have the youngest spirit I've come across lately. :)
I mean it, I'm not trying any flattering you or similar haha... :)

Lotte sagde ...

hehe...Thanks ES...you are so full of nice words...even though you dye your grey hair...hahahaha
hihi...(I tell you... I got NO young spirit at all, when it comes to washing up...only afterwards...hehe)

Esti sagde ...

See, I don't mind doing the washing up around here... It's the least I can do, ha ha... Husband is soooo cool that he even does it too! ha ha... Well, I take care of the kids when they have nightmares at night... ;)

Lotte sagde ...

You can come over and do my dishes and laundry ? YESSSSSSSS...
Just 5 male persons/dogs living with me...hahaha...Nothing to talk about...They just use many crockery/glasses/clothes through a day and dogs bringing strange things in from the garden...dirt...woodsticks...and loose HAIR...
G-sus..."Learn to vacuum doggies..."
Well...haha...IT keeps me alive...but sometimes I tell them...THIS IS NOT A HOTEL boys!!!!!!!! HAHA...
So...maybe you have a more relaxed life ES...OR?

Esti sagde ...

Poor you...

Im a juggler: Take care of the kids, work the day job, draw when I find the time, take care of the parents,etc. But I tend to procastrinate as far as domestic chores are involved... ha ha... Vacuum, cooking... things that I don't like to see on my list. I don't mind the washing, the iroining, the tidying up... everything but papers. I'm so bad at having papers in order, ha ha...
But poor you, with so many boys around... I don't envy you, ha ha...