
Playing in the sand...

To Esti and her "hand project" from us :)

U wont believe this:
The ring on the top photo ended up in the harbour basin !!! YES...
Swinging her arms, the ring suddenly flew of her finger and the
little PLOP-sound in the water...made us laugh so much while we
gaped at each other VERY surprised...AWFUL AWFUL...irreplaceable...
but IT WAS GONE GONE in the dark ugly deep...

5 kommentarer:

Esti sagde ...

Thanks for these hands. Funny thing is my hand is very similar to yours, broad, strong, short nails...
Too bad to hear about the ring! What an unfortunate moment. sigh.

Lotte sagde ...

It is my best girlfriends hands at the 3 top pictures...and her mothers ring that went swimming :(
I see the scene in my head over and over again...still don´t believe it...things like that only happends on film...haha
My 3 hands lowest...

Christine Clemmensen sagde ...

Lyset er fantastisk på disse billeder.
Hvor ærgeligt med ringen. Og trist for dens ejer. Det lyder næsten som om havet har gjort krav på den. Dramatisk.

Lotte sagde ...

Det var en skøn aften tæt på solnedgangens lys...Så kan man lidt igen...Det med ringen...var simpelthen så forfærdeligt men også temmelig komisk...ligesom kun noget man ser på film..."Ta´den ring og lad den vandre...."hmm :D

Anonym sagde ...

like this summerfeeling. mmm...the sand...!!