
Fresh strawberry smoothie and homemade bread...


8 kommentarer:

Esti sagde ...

Nobody makes handmade bread around here. It must be nice :)
I'll have the salami but no the pickles, pleeeeeease, hahahahaha ;)

Lotte sagde ...

You are a true meat eater, but the cucumber make it nice and fresh...
I found a good recipe on this bread...and have made it over and over again... :D You should try it...haha...maybe your family will be surprised...HAHa

ashley sagde ...

that looks so tasty! yum :) alos love your circles on flikr

Esti sagde ...

My family would be utterly atonished since I don't Know a word about cooking (don't tell anybody). Husband is the one who cooks, hahahahha...
My family would be calling the doctor right away!! Haha

Lotte sagde ...

Glaaaad you like food and my circles Ashley ;))))

HAHA...Don´t worry, my mouth ARE closed, but cool if the haven´t noticed yet...HAHAHAHA...Good thing that one of you can cook...or else you had to out every day...Look on the bright side...YOU rule in music :D

Lotte sagde ...

Sorry about the last comment ES...after if... THEY
and after to...GO...sometimes my fingers do their own work...hihi

Esti sagde ...

Nevermind... I thought it was funny hahaha... I've managed to get fed up to now, so c'mon I'm a genius! See, my husband is also a music addict. He sings and plays guitar (he plays in several rock bands) and I cannot,ha ha, but he can't draw a line HA!

Lotte sagde ...

HAHA...I believe you´re a genius...Cool thing that he plays music...Respect man...hehe...and serving food for his family ;) while you listen, eat and draw...haha
perfect match...