
Small parts...

As you can see...
hard...just on something else...
Listening to a fav of mine...
Danish D.A.D...Disneyland after Dark

5 kommentarer:

Esti sagde ...

You've been busy girl ;)
I'm still at work. Sooo tired. My Tuesdays are hell, and unfortunately the tiredness usually continues onto Wednesday...
See if I can come up with some time for drawing in between... ;)
have a good night sleep!

Andrea Tachezy sagde ...

You are working very well :-)

Lotte sagde ...

Busy?...No they are old ones...HAHA...Still at work me too...But I seem to make fun things instead...Can´t
get my head the in right place...Arggghhh :I
Oh but I´m sorry for you...A loooong day indeed...hope you get a nice loooong sleep too...:)

Lotte sagde ...

Listen to D.A.D....they will keep you awake sweetie...hihi

Lotte sagde ...

Hey Andrea...Thanks so much :D