

In my box...(for Esti :D)

On my sky...

In my belly...

On my Post-it...

In my ear...
and Toots Thieleman...
So cool to find this song because I remember it from my childhood...

4 kommentarer:

Esti sagde ...

Intriguing box contents as well, hahaha...
I'm a total mess; I have boxes full of rubish everywhere, and piles and piles of papers everywhere too...
Your box is a lot nicer!
Thanks for showing :D

I've enjoyed this post!!

Lotte sagde ...

This box is a small old one I bought on a flee some weeks ago...WHY...don´t no...DON´T need it!!!!!!
And don´t mention the word mess...My "cellar office project painting and new floor" is "dead" at the moment...so I could tell you lots of things about MY BIG MESS all over..I also have TOO many boxes...Think for some reason that what I can´t see I don´t have...haha...Really have to get order in my stuff...
(And paper and drawings in piles too)...haha

Anonym sagde ...

clickade på länken med thieleman. och där var ingela aagard. jag läste i dagens nyheter (DN) att hon dog igår. :(

Lotte sagde ...

Oh NO!!...The woman in the blue dress...How strange...Did not know...Just found it yesterday...but then I´ll play it one more time for her ;(