
Yesterdays before and after...

Buns to our homemade burger (which we ate before photos were taken...haha) was good...
My first pommefrites making...was better than the one U buy, but a bit oily...
Next year I maybe make them again...haha

Drinking coffee and taking a little break...I did some scrolling back on my blog....to see what I´ve made since I started this blog...SO many things I totally forgot about...

How often do U look back in time on your own/others blogs???

7 kommentarer:

Esti sagde ...

Ohhhhh, look here, could you come over to cook some of this?? Homemade buns, my god, you are great!

Ha ha, I don't go back my blog but whenever i find a blog I like (like yours) I search back and forth to make sure I see everything

By the way, I'm having problems sending you an e-mail. keeps bouncing back, ha ha... Have you changed your address?

Lotte sagde ...

Yah...give me that address gal...and I´ll come over with warm buns :D...

G-sus is my mailbox full???...sorry...I´ll hurry in and tidy up there TOO...haha...could not understand I
didn´t get any mails today...haha...THANKS X

Nice U look back in time...haha...me too...funny to see how people and their blogs develops through time

Anonym sagde ...


I've recently taken a stroll through my archives and it has been largely enjoyable to see how things have developed and found a rhythm. I must admit though that if I delve too deeply and head right back to the beginning I give a little wince.

Hot chips - such a favourite of mine!

Anonym sagde ...

I'm off to scroll through you blog right now.

Lotte sagde ...

Thank U so much Ladies...for sharing and scrolling...:)
By the way G+L...
It´s always a great pleasure to visit and see your old and new cool things...deep respect for your work :D

Anonym sagde ...

not so very often at all. maybe one should do that more... hm.
looks like a nice dinner... why wait a YEAR? haha

Lotte sagde ...

Hi Em; Have U ever made your own frites??? They had to boil in that oil-stuff over 2 times...Oil in my hair and everywhere...haha... it took ages ...haha and I had made ehhhhhh...enough!!!...hihi