
Looking back...

Don´t know these people...but their hair and *occiputs* (strange word?) tells a lot about them...

4 kommentarer:

infing sagde ...

Plastpåsen på huvet...ja det är bäst att vara rädd om frisyren!

:-) Har du varit ute och fotat i smyg??

Lotte sagde ...

Ja...Sad bag ved disse personer ude i en skov og så teater i sommers...haha...og lod som om jeg tog billeder af teaterstykket...hihi...hmm sorry people...

Esti sagde ...

oh no! The mad back-of-our-heads photographer strikes again! What would these people think of you sneaking on their backs and shooting your camera? Ha, ha...

Lotte sagde ...

They would be SO happy...haha...don´t U think???...Now they even been in Spain...and all for free...
that´s something...ay? hihihih
BIG mad hugs...uuuuuhhhuuuu