
Just 3 more...

These are very very old singles....

And I heart Mr. Bowie...

3 kommentarer:

Esti sagde ...

Buenos días,
Good to see your records, good taste (beatles, bowie,mmmmm, yes!)...
But, no record player? I do still have one, but hardly use it. My husband notices it every now and then and plays some old vynils...

Lotte sagde ...

Buenos tardes/God aften...
Thank you... about the good taste...UNTIL you heard the word...GYPSYYYYYYYYYYY KKKKKING..hihi...AY?
Nice to have a record player...but then...where would I hide it...Still I can throw my records away/sell yet...
Eventhough I haven´t looked at them for years.

Lotte sagde ...
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