
The day after...

2 days so full of tears and sad pictures in my head...
I simply have to move on...
Have to knit a new blanket...
Have to wash our clothes...
Have to find my smile again...
Have to eat...
Have to take care of your brother...
Because life don´t stop and I can´t turn back time :(
But I will never ever forget...my clever, sweet, loud barking friend...
Warming my back under the duvet when I was asleep...
Looking me right in the eyes when I was eating...
Licking my nose when I came to close...

Forever you´ll stay in my heart...

4 kommentarer:

Andrea Tachezy sagde ...

I am sure he had with you the best life, he could imagine!

so sagde ...

so sorry to hear about your dog.
losing a pet is always so hard...

this is a sweet tribute.

Esti sagde ...

When my dog died (several years back) I cried a river. You've brought tears to my eyes again. I'm so sorry about your loss. I sympathise completely. A big hug to you again.

Lotte sagde ...

Thank you so so so much for nice words and hugs...
You are very kind...I´m sending big hugs back...