
Living room...

No.1 Original by Marcel Dzama bought 1999 at Gallery Stalke
No.2 Leif Sylvester present from my parents...
No.3 Camillas nice prints...and a piece by me...
No.4 A head Mr. Bob found long time ago...
No.5 Mine...
Often put my unfinished paintings here...wondering what to do next?...

Show us *whats on your wall*

5 kommentarer:

Esti sagde ...

So many great stuff!!
I like that marcel dzama a lot. He's a favourite of mine. Lucky you, to have an original piece!! I'm so jealous, ha, ha...
I'll play along with you, if I find the time and if there's still some light when I get back from work (a hard and long day today...mmmmmmm....) to take some pictures of my walls.

Marieke sagde ...

Hi Lotte,
Ooh that work of you is great! Everything is still leaning here instead of hanging but in some time I will post everything for sure!
Take care my dear x

Lotte sagde ...

Esti: OHHH no one of these bad days...(sending a hug) Think of tomorrow then...a shorter day? hæhæ...I hope you play along when your turn on the lights...:D
Yes, Marcel is coooooooool...:D

Marieke:Thanks and I´m happy to see U again...I can wait behind my screen for your walls...hihi...hope you having a lovely french time..and lots of baquettes hihi
Hugsssss back:D

Anonym sagde ...

Yay! Count me in... I'll show you soon.

Lotte sagde ...

Can´t wait Gracia...:D:D:D:D:D