
"Virus" is all over...

Cecilia is the weekword finder this week...:) Thanks girl...
Esti and Elisabeth is playing too...
I´m far behind with posting some virus in here...
Mr. Mac suddenly has it´s own life or maybe I infected it...
with the virus I have had for 14 days now...
...While taking a bath yesterday Mr. Mac just turned himself off ??? Bum Bum...
And then he was SO no-go the rest of the day...
You are not well Mr. Mac...not at all...Grrr...
but I don´t have time to get you fixed...
Some weeks ago someone also stole my bicycle...
My kitchen looks like it´s infected with dishwash...and so on...
Sometimes life is one big virus...one attack after another...

2 kommentarer:

Veja cecilia sagde ...

this is not sounding good Lotte! I do hope everything will be better soon:)

Lotte sagde ...

Thanks Cissi...I´m better today...