
For you kristi :)

Sorry girl, I was not at all dressed in bright neon colours or fancy legwarmers attending the very big 80´/90´s party yesterday...only my old old belt with rivets...haha...AND turbo dancing shoes...

4 kommentarer:

aimee sagde ...

marvelous!! and from the little bit i can see of your head in the top photo, you have FABULOUS hair!! long or short? i'm guessing long... you seem like a 'long hair' kind of gal...

Lotte sagde ...

Long and grey Aimee...haha

asphalt and air sagde ...

Love it.
Best part: TURBO dancing shoes!
I need a pair of those!

Lotte sagde ...

haha...we already bought new tickets for next dancing party...same theme...haha...UUUUUUUUiiiiiiiiiihaaaaaaa