Look look...

Amanda Spawforth...GW-International/GW-Modern

Jens Jalling...Galerie Gerly...

Line Juhl Hansen...Galerie Gerly...

Louise Hindsgavl...Køppe Gallery...

Huskmitnavn...Charlotte Fogh Contemporary + V1 Gallery...

Douglas McDougall...Galleri København
(The white parts is scratching black off...Not a photo...cool)

Linda Horn...Gallerie Rasmus...

Leif Sylvester...Galerie Moderne Silkeborg...

Lone Seeberg...Galleri Nakke Hage...

Jacob Herskind...Bredgade Kunsthandel...

Carsten Krogstrup...Galerie Gerly...

Tine Helleshøj...Galleri SOTO
Think I´ve have to stop myself now...enjoy :D
From Art Copenhagen in Forum today...
2 kommentarer:
That Linda Horn's work look pretty cool...
It seems you had too much to look at. I would have been walking around with my mouth open most of the time...
YAH...Linda Horn...she´s pretty cool...nice FEW colours...haha...I swallowed a big artfly...U bet...haha
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