
Here we go...

Time to find the character for Miss Ketchup and Mr. Pepperoni...
Decide their eyes...noses...hair and so on...
Think I do like the soft round bodyshape...after several other tries...
(And then play with the arms and legs)
Could be in black/white/gold/red/and cutout from book-pages...
and Heinze light yellow...
Not so many colours...
Drawing on squared paper...good/bad?
In photoshop I added more light...so the squares vanished...
better/worse...? Maybe a mix?
Feel free to comment good AND bad :D


3 kommentarer:

Esti sagde ...

i like the round bodies too. I like the golden heart and the paper arms and legs. I like better the non-square ones. And I like your selection of colours, but wouldn't add more.
Very interesting process!!

Esti sagde ...

And I like the Micasa drawing a lot...

Lotte sagde ...

The Mi casa was the first impulse try, but then I
didn´t like Miss Ketchup...(damn) haha...
Then made the other round ones...So maybe I´ll mix the roundies in the casa thing...Because I do like the black background...
Not at all easy...haha...
So nice to here your thoughts ES...great :D Hugs