
Bye bye m.e.s.s.y. hair...

Today my hair got stock in a button on the back of my jacket...
Only Ib, the sleepy dog was at home...Grrr...NO HELP there...
Therefore some hair will leave my head tomorrow :D

7 kommentarer:

Esti sagde ...

Sorry to hear that. you have beautiful hair :(

; sagde ...

wow! beautiful long hair you have:) so you will cut it shorter? or did you already?

Lotte sagde ...

God aften...
Thank you :) but cheer up ES...I still have a lot left haha...but wont get a hole jacket hanging on my back anymore...NICE feeling...
The hairdressers chair lifted up my legs and massage my back while she washed my hair...HAHA...to funny...

Just a bit shorter Maria...It just ended up that loooong, because I dont visit the hairdresser that often...mostly up in a ponytail and away...haha
But I have been very very very short once...My friends called my EMIL...hehe... easy to wash :D

asphalt and air sagde ...

such beautiful hair!
the color is amazing!!!

Lotte sagde ...

Thanks Kristi ;)

Fifikoussout sagde ...

woaw, you're a princess of ice :)

Lotte sagde ...

Haha...Sweet words Alice...but I´m just standing on the floor...hihi