

May I introduce to you...

Our back garden...before...

And after...

Give me five...and a cold beer...HOT SUN...

Product of the soil...
Where HAVE you been Mr. *PINKKNEE*...THE last 10 years???
Had to wash him up for his photo session...SO dirty

The *ends* of that lawn...

Finally I can look up at the moon...lying FLAT on my back...

Private cook Mr. V...making nice grill burgers...

TAK bedste svoger for al hjælp idag...
og KNUS til P. og M. for jeres tålmodighed :)...

4 kommentarer:

Esti sagde ...

You mean you took all the green out? What are you planning to do in your garden?
Those burgers... Oh my God!! MMMMMM, I'm afraid I'm a meat eater. A bad one, jiji... :)

Lotte sagde ...

Mr. V. is surely also a big meet eater, so you can be meet-friends...hihi...I just eat meat...jiji...
Our back garden was very dented (odd word?) bumpy, you know?
Well...so all the grass is gone...
So I think it will end up flagged with new grass in the middle...??? Big project...after THAT we´re making the front garden...G-SUS...like we have nothing else to do...haha

Esti sagde ...

Sounds good! Back yard and frontyard! I'm impressed!

Lotte sagde ...

HAHA...nice Thanks...but don´t be...yet...so far from finished...hihi